Even though I recommended Lonely Planet Cambodia for my previous Bokor Hill Station ride, it’s because I did not know about Adventure Cambodia
until this trip. Adventure Cambodia is especially tailored to travelers on motorcycles. In addition to the basic country background, accommodation, maps, restaurants and places of interest, you will be able to find information on road conditions, distances and even GPS coordinates. If I have to pick one out of the two books, it would be Adventure Cambodia.
Category Archives: Cambodia
Phnom Penh, Kampong Cham, Kratie, Ratanakiri, Mondulkiri.. (Northeast Cambodia Loop) – 12. Journey, Day 8-9
Day 8 (Phnom Penh)
I arranged for a motor to bring me to the killing fields of Choeung Ek which is located 15km from central Phnom Penh. Between 1975 and 1978, 17,000 people held and tortured at the S-21 (Tuol Sleng Museum) were transported to the extermination camp at Choeung Ek. Today, all that remains of the grim past are multiple disinterred pits and a memorial stupa filled with skulls.
After the gloomy trip, I returned to my guesthouse and ordered lunch. While waiting for my food, I picked up a book from the shelf. The title of the book was Hun Sen. The prime minister of Cambodia was to keep me occupied for the rest of the day. It’s a recommended read to anybody who’s interested to know more about the amazing life of Hun Sen and the history of Cambodia.
Memorial stupa at Choeung Ek where more than 8000 skulls are stored